ANP-Skin Omegas™ 水潤肌 Omegas+ 維 A 療程

Advanced Nutrition Programme (ANP)

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ANP-Skin Omegas™ 水潤肌 Omegas+ 維 A 療程

容量: 60 caps

Skin Omegas+ 含有豐富營養魚油Omega 3、月見草油Omega 6及維生素 A,從細胞底層進行修復,直達每一層皮膚組織,改善皮膚健康,促進免疫系統,提升皮膚保濕度。適合所有皮膚,強烈推薦用於乾性皮膚,能有效改善暗啞乾旱的膚質,並對濕疹皮膚有甚好效益。

‧ 安全 | 挪威衛生局嚴格製藥標準| IFOS (International Fish Oil Standards) 5星標準 | 高於歐盟安全標準 |
‧ 質素保證 | 創新低壓真蒸餾技術 | 穩定 EPA / DHA成份及提高濃度
‧ 潔淨 | 透過活性炭過濾技術去除重金屬、多氯聯苯(PCB)、農藥殘留物及其他有害致癌物。

‧ Vitamin A | 提高免疫力 | 促進皮膚再生
‧ Omega 3 脂肪酸 | 鎖水保濕 | 抗炎 | 保護細胞
‧ Omega 6 脂肪酸 | 必需脂肪酸γ次亞麻油酸 (GLA) | 抗炎 | 促進免疫系統 | 降低過敏反應

↑ 40% 保濕度
↓ 36% 水分流失率 Trans-epidermal water loss
↓ 24% 皺紋深度
↑ 20% 平滑度
↑ 8% 皮膚彈性
** 參與者沒有使用其他護膚產品



‧ 此產品含有魚成份|不適合素食人士食用
‧ 此產品不能代替正餐|請保持均衡飲食
‧ 請勿攝取多於建議份量
‧ 如在接受藥物治療|服用此產品前請先咨詢醫生意見
‧ 請置於兒童不能接觸的地方
‧ 請存放於25°C或以下及陰涼乾爽處


Skin Omegas™

Volume: 60 cap

Skin Omegas+ containing fish oils and Vit A is recommended for overall skin health and hydration. It provides support for all skin types and is highly recommended for dry skin conditions. Skin Omegas+ is an expertly calibrated Omega 3 supplement combined with Omega 6 fatty acids and vitamin A to create a specialised, sustainable skin-glowing formula.

 EPAX® products
 ‧ Safety | Norway Pharmacopoeias|IFOS (International Fish Oil Standards) 5 stars standard | The Codex Alimentarius standard
‧ Quality | stable EPA / DHA | Triple testing protocol | Ensure freshness and stability
‧ Purity | Highest Standards for removing environmental toxics

​‧ Vitamin A | Boost immune system | Enhance cell specialization
‧ Omega 3 Fatty acid | Increases hydration and smoothness | Reduces inflammation | Enhances protection barrier
‧ Omega 6 Fatty acis | Reduces inflammation | Helps to calm irritation


All Ingredients:

Fish oil, capsule shell (fish gelatin and glycerol), evening primrose oil, antioxidant: d-alpha tocopherol in sunflower oil, vitamin A palmitate, antioxidant: dl-alpha tocopherol.

*Free from Yeast, Artificial flavourings, Gluten. 

How to Apply:

Take 2 soft gels daily with a meal

 After 12 weeks of clinical trials, the skin quality has been significantly improved**​

↑ 40% moisture retention
​↓ 36% water loss rate ( Trans-Epidermal Water Loss )
​↓ 24% wrinkle depth
​↑ 20% smoothness
​↑ 8% flexibility
*These products are not used to diagnose, treat or prevent any diseases
​** Participants did not use other skincare products

​Attention​‧ This product contains fish ‧ This product is not a substitute for regular meals|Please keep a balanced diet​‧ Do not consume more than the recommended amount​‧ If you are receiving medication|Please consult your doctor before using this product​‧ Please keep out of reach of children​‧ Please store at 25°C or below in a cool and dry place​
Free from Yeast, Artificial flavourings, Gluten.


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